Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Laurens Transformation

Lauren Terpstra is an incredible woman who has vowed to never give up! 
Her transformation isn't quite like most!

The once softball and tennis player lived a very active life and enjoyed hiking and playing sports. 

One afternoon on a hike her life changed forever. However despite the traumatic event and set backs Lauren has decided that her life will be lived with purpose to help inspire those around her to never give up and to shut down all of the excuses as to why people say they can't be healthy and fit.

Lauren is a living, breathing, WALKING miracle who inspires me every day with her determination! 

Here is her story:  

I was hiking at cataract park in Hackettstown (New Jersey) and was trying to cross over the rocks to get to the trail and I slipped. All I remember is opening my eyes and seeing the rocks moving under me, I closed my eyes and opened them finding myself hugging a down tree trunk in the water with a leg that was in the shape of a C.  

The cops showed up and carried me more then half way fireman style to the paramedics, The cop carried me because I was so far down no one could get to me. I was rushed to the nearest hospital in Hackettstown to have immediate surgery because the circulation in my leg was getting cut off.

I shattered my entire ankle, those two bones that stick out on your ankle one of mine is reconstructed it's alot bigger because I had shattered it. I also shattered the entire ankle joint which makes your ankle move up down and around, and my two shin bones the tibia and fibula. I had a metal exterior rod that drilled into the top of my let by my knee cap into the bone and then it came out and drilled into both sides of my heels, that held it all together to a whole I was to swollen at first to do anything so I had a leg and ankle with no bones for 2 weeks. 

I then had a metal plate that served as my ankle joint and a rod with 7 or 8 screws that served as fibula which is the front shin bone and a rod in the back with 4 screws that served as the tibula the back shin bone they took bone marrow out of my hip and put it in my leg. My body reconstructed and created new bone so the metal plate pushed through th skin so they took that out and the metal rod in the front out its now new bone and I have a rod in the back still with screws that will always stay. 

Depending on what I'm doing activity wise it is ok, I cannot run or jump, I can do part of a squat, but not too much because my knee has limited mobility. I have to pop my hip out walking down stairs because it does not bend that way anymore.

I was told I would have very little to no range of motion back and now I have about 75% to 80% range of motion back!

Beach body has given me the life I never thought I would have back, I weighed nothing from all the pain meds and surgery a I had, I was very depressed from the meds and not being able to even walk or go to the bathroom by myself, I had broke my right wrist as well so I had a walker and wheel chair my whole right side was broken, I had huge bruises all over my body I was banged up, 

Once I was able to walk I pushed myself in physical therapy I worked my ass off. I have little to no limp now when they said I would have w bad limp, I started to gain weight though and I wasn't happy because I couldn't work it off I couldn't do what I use to do, I tried running 4 times and failed miserably the last time I tried I fell and just laid on the side walk and sobbed, I had given up with everything basically I had heard so many you won't be able to im sorry that I just gave up, my dr is awesome and tried to push me to try but I was tired of the failure feeling. The day I tried Beachbodys, PiYo I cried, not because I couldn't do it but because I COULD do it. 

I took my first steps on my 19th birthday and began beach body This year at 21. I work out almost everyday now with piyo, depending how my ankle is feeling, and I can proudly say with tears running down my face that I have proven statistics wrong and have gone above and beyond i now hav muscle in my leg that I never thought I'd see again, and in all it feels great to work out yes something's I physically cannot do but I modify or skip it and do a diff workout for those few mins then jump back in and follow the rest of the video. There are times I wish they did amputate my leg because of the pain im in 24/7 they said I would never be able to be a nurse because I'd be on my feet.

I have actively participated in Challenge groups which have helped to push me through on the days I felt like I couldn't do it. These groups have helped me stay accountable and to stay focused on my health and healing.

Amie, Taylor (Heverly) and Beachbody have saved my life, and given me my life back. Taylor pushed me to be a medical assistant. I said well I dont know, I can't. And she said never say that to me again, your doing an interview and you can do it ! And now I'm proving statistics wrong by doing what I love. They have helped me with never giving up on me when I gave up on myself. They both will never know how much I thank the lord to have them both in my life. Thank you Amie and Taylor.