Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Becoming Fearless and Fit in 2014

Did you know, that Doubt and Fears Kill more Dreams, than Failure ever will!?

So many people doubt themselves and doubt their capabilities and let their dreams become a thing of the past.  They bury their goals, dreams, and potential just because they are afraid of moving forward and seeking out the unknown. 
 Everyone was born with a purpose and a passion!  You were created with an individual, innate purpose.  Do you know what that is? Has your fire gone out? Are you living each day? Or merely just existing?

Do you remember as a kid you used to get butterflies when you did something new? You used to get excited and on fire about certain things.  You dreamed of what your life would be like, what you would become and where you wanted to go.  Has that fire gone out?

Unfortunately through the every day routine of life, we often let our dreams go, we ditch our dreams and passions just to make a buck, and survive.  Are you where you want to be in your life? Do you feel good about yourself and your health?  What about your relationships?  Do you feel like something is missing? Are you passionate about your job?  Are you excelling in the areas you want to?  Has fear been holding you back?

If you feel like your fire and passion has gone out and want to make a change in 2014- join me on my journey in becoming all that we were meant to be!  Join my Fearless and Fit Challenge group!
We will be breaking down boundaries, kicking down the walls of fear in our lives.  Making our dreams a priority, and reaching new heights in our personal lives, relationships and jobs. 

We will focus on our overall health, fitness, personal life along with CHALLENGES that will push you to excel in the areas you want to. 


Whatever it may be that has been holding you back and whispering in your ear that YOU CANT.....I am here to tell you that its a LIAR!!!!  

........ Because YOU CAN!

There is no more I CANT in 2014. 

If you are ready to make the commitment to make a change, get healthy, get fit, and push yourself towards your goals and dreams then consider joining my FEARLESS AND FIT IN 2014 group!

This is an exclusive group that has never been offered before!  We will be focusing on total mind, body and spiritual health!

What this means:
You will need to be on one of the Fitness Programs we have to offer along with Shakeology (unless specific circumstances, that we can discuss)
You will have to be a client of mine, and not working with another coach.
You can be a current COACH of mine, or in my down line. 
You will have to be willing to be ACTIVE and OPEN in our group. (This is a safe environment for people to share, and work through their fears and biggest hurdles! NO judging or negativity will be allowed!)

IF YOUR READY for a BIG CHANGE in your life in 2014 and want to squash fears.... then please fill out the application below to see if you are a good fit for the FEARLESS AND FIT IN 2014 group that Begins on FEBRUARY 3rd!
 Don't let another year go by with regrets!! 


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