Saturday, April 19, 2014

Resurrection Rolls

It is very important to me to teach my kids the true meaning of Easter.  

After all, this is the holiday that our entire life and being is based on.  

We would not be saved or have a chance at everlasting life if it weren't for Jesus's death and resurrection.  

This is the holiday where we recognize that we are sinners! We could never measure up to God.  We could never do enough good deeds, or climb that ladder high enough to be "worthy" of Gods love.

But Easter weekend God sent his Son Jesus to die for us!  To die for You and Me, because we ARE sinners!  Because we ARE good enough for him, the way we are.  He died for us, as screw ups.... Not because we are worthy of it or deserve it- but because He LOVES us and wants to give us a chance at everlasting life!  

All we have to do is accept his gift, and acknowledge that we want Him to sit on the throne of our lives!

So this weekend I wanted to show our kiddos a visual of the true meaning of Easter through using food. 

This is a really cool easy project to show your kiddos how great our God is!    

All you need is crescent rolls, melted butter, cinnamon, sugar, large marshmallow and your bible! 

Set oven to 350 

**Read Matthew 27: 57-61**

1. Give each child a marshmallow.
This represents Jesus.

2. Have him/her dip the marshmallow in melted butter.
This represents the oils of embalming.

3. Now dip the buttered marshmallow in the cinnamon and sugar.
This represents the spices used to anoint the body.

4. Then wrap up the coated marshmallow tightly in the crescent roll (not like a typical crescent roll up, but bring the sides up and seal the marshmallow inside)

This represents the wrapping of Jesus' body after death AND the Tomb in which he was placed.

We then sprinkled a little added "blessings" and Gods Love(cinnamon and sugar) on top 

5. Place rolls in a 350 degree oven for 10-12 minutes.
The oven represents the tomb--while you are waiting for the rolls to bake, read Matthew 27:62-66.

6. Remove rolls from oven and let them cool slightly.
Now the children can then open their rolls (cloths/Tomb) and discover that Jesus is no longer there!


** Now read Matthew 28:1-10**

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