Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Laurens Transformation

Lauren Terpstra is an incredible woman who has vowed to never give up! 
Her transformation isn't quite like most!

The once softball and tennis player lived a very active life and enjoyed hiking and playing sports. 

One afternoon on a hike her life changed forever. However despite the traumatic event and set backs Lauren has decided that her life will be lived with purpose to help inspire those around her to never give up and to shut down all of the excuses as to why people say they can't be healthy and fit.

Lauren is a living, breathing, WALKING miracle who inspires me every day with her determination! 

Here is her story:  

I was hiking at cataract park in Hackettstown (New Jersey) and was trying to cross over the rocks to get to the trail and I slipped. All I remember is opening my eyes and seeing the rocks moving under me, I closed my eyes and opened them finding myself hugging a down tree trunk in the water with a leg that was in the shape of a C.  

The cops showed up and carried me more then half way fireman style to the paramedics, The cop carried me because I was so far down no one could get to me. I was rushed to the nearest hospital in Hackettstown to have immediate surgery because the circulation in my leg was getting cut off.

I shattered my entire ankle, those two bones that stick out on your ankle one of mine is reconstructed it's alot bigger because I had shattered it. I also shattered the entire ankle joint which makes your ankle move up down and around, and my two shin bones the tibia and fibula. I had a metal exterior rod that drilled into the top of my let by my knee cap into the bone and then it came out and drilled into both sides of my heels, that held it all together to a whole I was to swollen at first to do anything so I had a leg and ankle with no bones for 2 weeks. 

I then had a metal plate that served as my ankle joint and a rod with 7 or 8 screws that served as fibula which is the front shin bone and a rod in the back with 4 screws that served as the tibula the back shin bone they took bone marrow out of my hip and put it in my leg. My body reconstructed and created new bone so the metal plate pushed through th skin so they took that out and the metal rod in the front out its now new bone and I have a rod in the back still with screws that will always stay. 

Depending on what I'm doing activity wise it is ok, I cannot run or jump, I can do part of a squat, but not too much because my knee has limited mobility. I have to pop my hip out walking down stairs because it does not bend that way anymore.

I was told I would have very little to no range of motion back and now I have about 75% to 80% range of motion back!

Beach body has given me the life I never thought I would have back, I weighed nothing from all the pain meds and surgery a I had, I was very depressed from the meds and not being able to even walk or go to the bathroom by myself, I had broke my right wrist as well so I had a walker and wheel chair my whole right side was broken, I had huge bruises all over my body I was banged up, 

Once I was able to walk I pushed myself in physical therapy I worked my ass off. I have little to no limp now when they said I would have w bad limp, I started to gain weight though and I wasn't happy because I couldn't work it off I couldn't do what I use to do, I tried running 4 times and failed miserably the last time I tried I fell and just laid on the side walk and sobbed, I had given up with everything basically I had heard so many you won't be able to im sorry that I just gave up, my dr is awesome and tried to push me to try but I was tired of the failure feeling. The day I tried Beachbodys, PiYo I cried, not because I couldn't do it but because I COULD do it. 

I took my first steps on my 19th birthday and began beach body This year at 21. I work out almost everyday now with piyo, depending how my ankle is feeling, and I can proudly say with tears running down my face that I have proven statistics wrong and have gone above and beyond i now hav muscle in my leg that I never thought I'd see again, and in all it feels great to work out yes something's I physically cannot do but I modify or skip it and do a diff workout for those few mins then jump back in and follow the rest of the video. There are times I wish they did amputate my leg because of the pain im in 24/7 they said I would never be able to be a nurse because I'd be on my feet.

I have actively participated in Challenge groups which have helped to push me through on the days I felt like I couldn't do it. These groups have helped me stay accountable and to stay focused on my health and healing.

Amie, Taylor (Heverly) and Beachbody have saved my life, and given me my life back. Taylor pushed me to be a medical assistant. I said well I dont know, I can't. And she said never say that to me again, your doing an interview and you can do it ! And now I'm proving statistics wrong by doing what I love. They have helped me with never giving up on me when I gave up on myself. They both will never know how much I thank the lord to have them both in my life. Thank you Amie and Taylor.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Quinoa Stuffing

Thanksgiving is here and it's time to celebrate and give thanks!! 

However it doesn't have to be a day to throw off your diet and completely kill your progress!  

If your a stuffing lover (or not) here is a recipe you'll be sure to enjoy this Thanksgiving!! 

I personally hate stuffing, but absolutely love this healthy quinoa alternative! 


2Tbs olive oil
2 cloves garlic chopped
2 cups quinoa
4 cups organic chicken broth 
1 large Apple cubed 
1 medium white onion cubed 
3-5 stalks of celery 
1/4 cup pine nuts
1 tsp pepper 
1 tsp ground cumin 
1/2 cup pine nuts

1. Heat oil in medium saucepan over medium high heat
2. Add onion and garlic, until translucent (turning often)
3. Add apples and celery 
4. Add broth, quinoa, cumin, pepper- bring to boil, then reduce heat  (cook until water is all absorbed- about 10 min) 
5. Remove from heat and add cranberries and let stand for 5 minutes 
6. Add pine nuts, fork and serve 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Quinoa Veggie Burger

Here is a NEW twist to the traditional burger!

I love quinoa, and I love burgers so I thought I should give these a try! 

We typically meal prep on Sundays and I usually make a big thing of quinoa, so I took some of our already cooked stache to make these burgers! 

Basically you can use any veggies you have on hand, but I used organic-carrots, mushrooms, peas, corn, peppers.

I apologize in advanced but I am not a huge measuring person, I throw stuff in until it looks right. 

Here is what you will need:
2 Cups cooked Quinoa (I cook mine in organic chicken stock)
1 handful of mushrooms (5-6)
1 handful cup peppers (yellow,red, orange peppers)
2 organic carrots 
1/4 cup frozen organic corn and peas mix
2 Green onions
2 Eggs
2 Tbs minced garlic
1 1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp paprika 

throw all ingredients into the cuisinart

Spray your pan with cooking spray or add a tablespoon of oil. 

Cook on medium to low heat for about 5 minutes on each side, or until browned. 

*Tip: Make sure patties aren't too thing or else they will fall apart.  
         Be sure to flip gently so they do not fall apart. 

For best results these should cool for a two hours or over night so they do not fall apart.  

Serve however you would like.  But I like them topped with avocado and Pico de Gallo!


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The feel better potion

Shots for health!! 

The Kids are back to school which means germs galore! 

Sore throats, runny noses, coughs and fevers. 

So if you find yourself suffering for any of these symptoms or want to use this for a preventative measure, you can take a shot of this concoction every couple hours to fight infection and sickness and relieve that itchy throat. 

The recipe : 
1 Tbs Organic Braggs Apple cider vinegar
1 Tbs Raw (local if possible) honey 
1/4 tsp Cayenne pepper 
1/4 tsp ground ginger 
2 Tbs water 

*Mix together (will not blend completely) 

*Be sure to mix before every use.  

*Store in fridge to stay fresh. 

Remember raw honey is not reccomended for infants. Not to mention this has a kick to it!!!

Sending well wishes your way!! 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Healthy Pumpkin Pancakes

With Fall upon us it's time for ALL things pumpkin! Including those pancakes!!  

And did I mention you can enjoy these babies without the guilt!? 

Yep, you read that right!  Healthy, zero guilt pancakes! 

Here is what you will need:

2 Tbs pumpkin purée 
2 eggs
1 cup old fashioned oats
1 small ripe banana mashed 
1/2 tsp vanilla 
1 tsp cinnamon 
2 dashes ground cloves 
2 dashes ground nutmeg 

Mix all together in a bowl and then seperate onto pan like normal pancakes 

For the SAUCE! 
(Depending upon how much topping you want you can double the recipe, you can also play with sugars to get it to be to your sweet tooth level ) 
1/3 cup unsweetened vanilla or plain almond milk 
1 tbs of pumpkin purée 
1 tbs organic coconut sugar 
Chopped pecans 

Mix coconut sugar,pumpkin purée and almond milk and then poor into hot pan/skillet. 
Continually stir until it mixes down into a thicker sauces (on medium heat).  
Add in raisins and chopped pecans and cook for another minute. 

Once done drizzle over pumpkin pancakes and ENJOY! 

Monday, September 8, 2014

What I Eat at McDonalds

You may be surprised that as a stay at home, working mom one of my favorite places to take my boys for lunch is McDonalds.  

It's actually the perfect place for my kids to play in a confined area while I work. 

We get some fresh air, the kids get to exercise and meet kids while we eat , and I'm not worried about them running off while I get to tap into wifi and get some emails out or blog posts up. 

It's the perfect set up actually!  

So I know some of you are like what!! How can you go there for lunch being a health and fitness coach!? 

What could you possibly eat there. 

It's fairly simple and easy actually! 

It's called.... 

Pack your own bagged lunch! 

I refuse to fill my body or my children's body with the garbage that is in McDonalds food.  

Unfortunatly the options that may look like good choices.  Or healthy choices actually are not at all!! 

In fact the oatmeal and yogurt just about the same sugar and fat as in an ice cream! 

Not to mention the salads are also loaded with fat and full of chemicals. 

No thanks! 

So thank you McDonalds for allowing me to use your space (get a coffee), but I'd rather bring my own food!  

I don't always bring the same food, but today here is what's in my bag! 
Carrots, celery and hummus and then grapes, banana and some nuts.

This is a true "Happy Meal". One that makes my kiddo happy and healthy ! 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Why I Don't Post Cheat Meals

I thought this topic was important to write about because I do not want people to get the a misconception of me or my eating habits. 

I use the 80% 20% rule. Meaning I eat healthy/clean meals 80% of the time. And about 20% of the time I allow myself for some cheats.  Meaning, cookies, cake, chips.. etc. Whatever it is. 

But if you follow me on IG (fearless_and_fit) or Facebook you may be thinking. Thats crazy! You never share those foods on your page.  

Your 100% correct. I DONT! 

Its not because I don't eat them. Its because my pages are for health and fitness. I don't want to deviate from that plan.  I also don't want to be the reason for YOU  cheat because I posted a photo of a trigger food. Meaning, when you see, or smell a certain food (the one that is your kryptonite)... YEA you know exactly what I'm talking about!  You have to go and eat it! 

It is proven that if you follow healthy food posts, you are more likely to eat healthy.  It inspires you to keep filling your plate with clean food choices. 

Therefore I do not want to fill your feed with junk food. This doesn't mean that I won't ever share a cheat meal post, but it is something that I do not believe is appropriate or correlating with my goals as a health and fitness coach.  

My job is not to only share my journey, but to help motivate and inspire YOU to lead a healthier lifestyle.  

So yes, I have a balance of healthy foods for 80% of the time and then cheats about 20%.  I am not perfect, I have cravings sometimes, I fall off the bandwagon sometimes.  But what matters is getting back on!

I do not believe in telling yourself or anyone that you can NEVER have a certain food again.  When you do this, your desire to have that food only increases.  

The healthy lifestyle is about moderation and balance, not limitations and boundaries.  

So learn to live by the 80/20 rule but fill your life with inspiration and people who promote health to help you stay on track! 

If you need additional help please join one of my challenge groups to help teach you and give you support ! 

Email me for details fearlessandfit@aol.com 

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Beating the Snack Shack

Hey my name is Amie and I am a ((FOOTBALL MOM))
Go wolverines! 

Every night, Monday through Thursday our son spends two hours at the fields and the another big chunk of our weekend. If your a football mom you know that your nights are spent at the field!  And quite frankly it becomes a problem if we don't plan our food for the night/day.   We are gone for usually 4 hours for games when all is said and done! 

Being at practice or games for hours on end you get hungry!  That dang snack shack calls your name, and then.... lights out!  You have ordered three things that are unhealthy and leave you feeling bloated and full of regret! 

---> Now please don't think I don't ever cheat or eat junk, because in all honesty I do!  However I don't find the snack shack cheese and nachos and hot dogs too appetizing, not to mention- if I eat it, I feel like absolute garbage. So for me, I find it best to plan my day accordingly and pack my own snacks for me and the kids. Not to mention, it saves us some money too!  

Who else knows how expensive these sporting events can be!!!?? 
A water here, a Gatorade there, a hot dog and chips and candy, pretty soon you have spent $15-20 on junk!!! 

Honestly I don't want to feel like a tubbo leaving the game when in all honesty i would rather be out there playing football with them! 

To be successful and beat the snack shack All you have to do is plan ahead! 

So why not make our nights and weekends healthier by filling our own game day bag with healthy, fulfilling snacks! 

I bring a soft cooler and throw in all kinda of goodies!  I may look like a weirdo but I leave games/practice with no regrets! 

So here is what I typically pack: 
🔸Apples and natural peanut butter
🔸cut up veggies and hummus 
🔸my own trail mix (throw together seeds, nuts and dried fruit) 
🔸lots of water 
🔸organic or homemade granola/protein bars 
🔸some natural/organic fruit snacks for the kids 

So you see.... It's pretty simple!  All you have to do is plan ahead!

Eat real, whole foods to fuel your body and I promise you won't regret packing that cooler!! 

So I wish all you football moms and dad's luck on beating the snack shack!! 
You can do it!! 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

How I got my Pre Pregnancy Body Back

Today, August 5th, 2014 was big Day for me!

Hanging in there...I will tell you why in a minute!

All of my pregnancies I would say I was "in shape" when I went into them.  However I went into each pregnancy at a different level of fit.  

Going into my first pregnancy, I was "in shape."  Being a collegiate athlete you kind of have to be!  However, I had all that college fluff. I had a ton of muscle mass on me, however I looked a little plump-- if you know what I mean!  My diet was not all that great being a college student, not to mention we did party on the weekend.  

After having our incredible first born, Braden, I came out of the pregnancy almost 20 lbs lighter!  I know, I know this is a rare case!!!  But this was because of a host of different reasons!  I had stopped my heavy lifting, started eating better and had a serious case of morning sickness for over half the pregnancy! All in all I gained 18lbs during my pregnancy.  My appearance bounced back immediately, literally in 4 days.  In the first week and a half I was lighter than when I had gone into my pregnancy. I was breast feeding and so I was able to drop the weight faster.  I remember stepping on the scale every morning to see how much more I lost.  (GREAT FEELING!)

However, because I did not workout most of the pregnancy, my recovery time took forever. I am not talking about the initial recovery, but I am talking about the longer term.  I had a much harder time getting back into a workout routine.  It was months and months before I felt ok enough to go on power walks.  My ligaments felt so stretched it hurt whenever I would transition into more high intensity walking/jogging.  

It took me a good year to be able to run like I used to.  I became a gym rate and worked out 1-2 hours a day, 5-6 days a week.  I loved my gym time, but looking back, it consumed  A LOT of my time!!

I went into my second pregnancy much more "in shape" than my first.  No college fluff, ate healthy, worked out- Remember I was a gym rat, and felt great!  I started out 20lbs lighter than my first, and I gained 20 lbs during my pregnant.  I was also sick for the first half of the pregnancy, but not at severe as my first.   I tried to workout more frequently during this pregnancy than the first, but there was no routine.

After our beautiful Caleb was born, I was itching to get back into my workout routines.  I eased back into them around 6 weeks.  I once again dropped the baby weight pretty quickly and was back down around my starting weight at around 3-4 weeks.  

Although I was back down at my pre baby weight I got frustrated with my body pretty quickly.  I had no energy, I was getting sick all the time, I was working out hard in the gym, eating healthy, drinking protein shakes and I was not seeing any difference. Although I was thin, I was not "fit" looking.  I had love handles and nothing seemed to be tightening up.  
I started doing some research and came to find out about this little product called Shakeology!  There was a money back guarantee so I figured it wouldn't hurt to try it! 

In a couple weeks I was not only seeing a difference, but FEEL it!  My energy levels were back up, my endurance was great, and I was seeing results! 

Long story short, with two kids, going to the gym became impossible, so I purchased Insanity and then shortly after T25.  I completed the Insanity program and then went into T25.  I was officially, after two kids in the BEST shape of my life! I was in the best HEALTH of my life as well!  I felt great, and although at the same weight, looked completely different.  I was in the best shape of my life. 

As I was finishing up my T25, Gamma Round, we found out we were expecting another bundle of joy! 

This time, I vowed to stick to my routine!! I vowed that I was going to keep up with my workouts as long as I could, modifying when needed. 

 I even decided to get certified to teach Insanity at 4 months pregnant.

I did have morning sickness this pregnancy as well.  It was not as bad, or nearly as long as the other two.  My immune system was up from the shakeology so I didn't catch every other sickness that came my way.  I was tired, but had more energy than my previous pregnancies in the first trimester.  
To be honest this was my absolute hands down best pregnancy and recovery.  
Although this was my healthiest pregnancy, I gained the most.  I gained about 25lbs this time around.  

I kept to my workouts until the day our Hulk Man was born.  
I ate healthy, for the most part- with some ice cream and pickles in between.  

I was able to ease back into workouts two weeks after Ethan was born.  I was able to take it back up into high speed only 4 weeks later.  I continued with my T25 and was able to work back into it, using the modifier as my body still healed.  (in my opinion hands down the BEST post pregnancy workout for the FitMama- Because you can follow the modifier to ease back into it, postpartum).  <----- font="" shaun="" t="" thank="" you="">

The big difference this time though has been my weight. Although my body bounced back quickly after this pregnancy and have felt great, my weight has been the last one to get back to normal.  I know I know, its not all about the scale, the number doesn't define me.. etc etc. 
And it doesn't, I haven't gotten hung up on it, in fact I made sure to stay off of it for a while because my body was bouncing back and forth hanging onto the last 8-10 lbs.  I realized my body for whatever reason, probably nursing purposed, needed those extra lbs for now.  So I was "ok" with it, but I made sure to stay off the scale for a while.  

I refocused on my diet and workouts and that is all I was focusing on. Beachbody just came out with a new program called the 3 day Refresh and I decided to give it a try.  I had to modify it because I am a nursing mom, so I made sure I was eating enough calories throughout the day to sustain my milk supply.  And guess what.... I BROKE MY PLATEAU!
 I dropped 3lbs in three days, with the modified- Breastfeeding Mom Approved Version. Mind you I was still about 5lbs from my pre pregnancy weight, but any movement in that scale was a win for me!! 

Here I am two weeks after the refresh, eating clean 90% of the time, drinking my shakeology daily, doing T25/Teaching Insanity and PiYo workouts and I officially, 3 months postpartum am at my PRE-PREGNANCY WEIGHT!!! 

                                    ((((INSERT HAPPY DANCE!!))))

I know the scale does not define me, but getting back down to pre-pregnancy weight is a HUGE WIN!  Ask any MAMA if you don't believe me! My journey does not stop here though, Fit is a way of life, there is no destination.  Even though I am at my pre-pregnancy weight, I am still not where I was pre-pregnancy, I will continue to work towards bettering myself every day, but today, I get to check off reaching one of my goals!!! 

If you have been working tirelessly at reaching your goals and you feel like your going no where, please join me on my Fit Journey!!  I would love to help you reach your goals and work to get you seeing results!!  

Contact me HERE.  

Thursday, July 17, 2014

The 3 Day Refresh and Breast Feeding

The 3 Day Refresh Just came out and of course I wanted to give it a try, the only questionable thing holding me back was, I am a Nursing Mom of a 2 1/2 Month old.

So I started to do some research.  On the Refresh you take 3 supplements.
1. Shakeology
2. Vanilla Fresh
3. Fiber Sweep

I am personally already on shakeology (have been my entire pregnancy) therefore I knew I was in the clear with that one.

What is Shakeology 

 Shakeology is an all natural super food drink, made up of over 70 whole foods ground up    into powder form.  It is a snack or meal replacement, that gives your body its daily dose    of dense nutrition.  
No artificial flavors, colors, preservatives or sweeteners. 
 Shakeology comes in vegan forms as well and is Dairy Free, Soy Free and Gluten Free.

What is the Vanilla FRESH shake?\
A high protein vanilla shake not only helps satisfy your hunger though out the day, but delivers essential nutrition your body needs for healthy weight loss.
This is also a perfect source of fiber, and it is DAIRY FREE and SOY FREE!

Nutrition Facts for Vanilla FRESH: 
Plant protein - 20 gm
22 essential vitamins and minerals
Probiotics to promote digestive and immune health
Clinically tested potato protein extract to help curb hunger
No artificial flavors, color, preservatives, or sweeteners


A blend of soluble and insoluble fibers that gently and naturally eliminates waste from your digestive system, while supporting healthy intestinal flora.

- It is created from whole-ground flax, chia, and psyllium seed husks, FIBER SWEEP is an excellent source of fiber for digestive health

-Wholesome psyllium fiber can help naturally lower cholesterol and support healthy good sugar levels as a part of a healthy diet

-Since this plan is low in saturated fat and cholesterol, psyllium fiber husk may help reduce the risk of coronary artery disease (CAD).

- Flax and Chia are sources of healthy omega-3 fatty acids
**i am not a doctor or nutritionist, so please if your uncomfortable with making decisions like this on your own consult a doctor (who has knowledge In nutrition)** 

Ok so now that I have cleared the Air, that EVERYTHING is all natural, not harmful to you or baby my last concern was CALORIES.  Why Calories, because people have been known to lose their milk supply due to too little calories. The refresh plan lands you around only 900 Calories a day.

Personally I am not a calorie counter, so adding up all these calories for me was kind of like pulling teeth.  I believe if you listen to your body, you will know when to eat and how much!
But for people who do not know how to do this, or maybe like to calorie count- I broke it down for you!

As  a Nursing Mom you technically shouldnt fall under 1,500 calories a day... honestly I don't know if I consume this much on a daily basis and I have zero issues with my milk supply, I eat clean 85-80% of the time and most days I could feed my son all that he needs and still pump out 2-4oz from each breast.

But I respect those Mamas who have their concerns and make sure to keep their calories up!

So here was MY Plan: 

So you may be wondering: 

First of all, I was not hungry at all during the Refresh.  I think it is a great plan to help you see great results while not depriving yourself, as well as being able to EAT REAL FOOD!  

So many cleanses, detoxes include all JUICE or liquid diets.... I am sorry, but thats just not for me! Coo-dos to you, if you can do it... But personally I don't like feeling deprived.  So this plan was perfect for me! 

I felt great throughout these three days and my milk supply did NOT drop! 

I did most nights drink Green tea because I as usual waS up too late and began to feel a little hungry.  

The main thing I would recommend would be to change your diet before hand slowly not to disturb your milk too abruptly.  This is nothing that will harm your baby, but some babies are fussy about their taste of milk, or their stomachs (including yours) may be sensitive to the increased fiber.  For example your baby may be slightly gassy if you go from not eating these thing to a diet full of healthy/fibrous foods.  

Therefore, I would suggest increasing these foods slowly into your diet before hand to mimic this plan. Through doing this you also should make sure your fiber is UP not only for baby, but you.  If your body is not used to a high fiber diet, you may feel gassy or bloated.  

All in All I was super happy with the plan, felt great, had great energy, didnt feel deprived, baby was happy, and I lost 3 lbs!! 

Not to mention it got me back on track with eating more fruits and veggies, drinking more water, less starchy carbs and feeling great! 

It also has motivated me to really stay focused on my diet since seeing such great results in only 3 days! 

Personally I loved it and would do it again!

If you would like to order your own please click Here.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Fathers Day

Need a fathers day gift idea!? Check out what we made this year! 

We just moved into our house in the December and we still haven't hung much on the walls.  Since my husband works from home I thought it would be awesome to add a meaningful photo collage of all three of our boys. 

A strong, loving Father figure is so important in a child's life, so I wanted it to make an impact yet be personalazed and capture our kiddos at this stage in their life. 

So I did a little photo shoot with our babes and added this little poem onto their feet photo using Illustrator. 

I then stamped all their feet, Framed it all up and came up with this... 

Personally I love it and I know my husband will too! 

A great memorable, meaningful gift that's not too expensive! 


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Teacher Appreciation Gift

Oh my Lawd! 
I can not believe our sons last day of first grade is tomorrow! 

I literally cannot believe how old he is getting! Makes me want to cry. 

Anyways my kiddo can be A LoT to handle! He is Mr personality and Mr. Talkative at its best! To be honest I don't know how teachers do it!! 
Dealing with 20 some little "Braden's" (my son)----- I would lose my mind! 

Don't take that the wrong way. I love my son to death but holy moly he is a hand full ! 

So I wanted to give his teacher a little bit of appreciate with some pampering. So here is the little gift basket we created for her. 

Big bonus is..... Most of these items can be found at your local dollar store! 

If you don't mind spending some moola you could even throw in a gift card for a mani!! 

(All things to pamper your hands!) 

My son traced his hand, colored it and then cut it out.  

We wrote this little note to stick on top! 

"Hands down you're the BEST teacher around!" 

It's a cute idea to show a teacher some appreciation!! 

Hope she enjoys it! 

Fitness Summer Savings Event

I'm so excited for Beachbodys EPIC SUMMER SALE! 

I am so pumped to snag some great deals on some of the hottest programs and items! 

I don't know about you but I LOVE SALES!! Show me a bargain and I'm all over it! 

It's like Black Friday- but I'm SUMMER!! Heck yes! 

I know I'm going to be jumping all over this event! 

Items go on sale at 12:00PM PST 

So that means 3:00 est for those of you confused. Haha 

These supplies are limited and from last experience sell out super fast! 

So if you want something, snag it right away!  I know our last sale I missed out big time on some items I wanted! 

So here's the break down for our fitness programs! 

And here are all the links to order yours!! 

TeamBeachbody.com/AMIEDESANZO Store Customer Links
Link to all Summer Sale items
P90X® DVD Package Special Offer
P90X en español Special Offer
P90X2® DVD Package Special Offer
LES MILLS PUMP DVD Package Special Offer
LES MILLS COMBAT DVD Package Special Offer
ChaLEAN Extreme® DVD Package Special Offer
Slim in 6® DVD Package Special Offer
Tai Cheng® DVD Package Special Offer
Hip Hop Abs® Dance Party Series -
Rockin' Abs/Hard Body DVD Special Offer
Barbell Weights Special Offer
LES MILLS COMBAT Gloves Special Offer
P90X Chin-Up Bar Special Offer
Stability Ball + Medicine Ball Combo Pack Special Offer
Foam Roller Special Offer
New Apparelhttp://www.teambeachbody.com/en_US/shop/-/shopping_category/Mens%20Apparel?referringRepId=AMIEDESANZO