Monday, December 26, 2016

2016s FIX your eyes

At the close of yoga, Rachel, the instructor said something that spoke to me.  She said,

"There have been moments in this class where you thought you couldn't make it.  Just like maybe some points in this year, there have been times where you didn't think you would make it.  But you did. You are here. You made it." 


So true.  In Yoga, there are moments where you feel like you are just going to fall over.  When you are trying to find your balance, focus on your breath, all while trying to stretch, and hold a position; that may be painful or uncomfortable can seriously make your mind begin to doubt and feel like you can NOT hold it for one more second.

There are moments in yoga where you wobble, and shake. You feel like you are going to fall over, you feel like you just won't make it.

The moment you begin to feed into those thoughts and believe you can't,  YOU ARE RIGHT!
You WILL lose your balance, you WILL lose your focus, you WILL lose your breath, and you WILL fall out of your pose.

I don't know about you, but 2016 threw some pretty gnarly curve balls into my life.  Some really UGLY UGLY curve balls.  Like when the pitcher totally fools you and the ball ends up curving right into your face.  You end up laying in the dirt of the infield on home plate.  But instead of feeling like you're on home plate, you feel like you just struck out, embarrassed, knocked down in pain, down for the count, out of the game!

Like baseball, and yoga, in life you will strike out and you will fall.  You will wobble, you will have moments of feeling defeated and fooled.  You will have moments of pain.

But GOD has given us a secret to stay STANDING, even when we are being knocked around, and unstable in life.

In Yoga, one of the keys to holding a pose, despite the discomfort and awkward position  is to KEEP FIX YOU EYES on a spot in the room.

FIX is defined as :

  1. :  to make firm, stable, or stationary
    :  to give a permanent or final form to: as
    :  to change into a stable compound or available form
  1. :  a determination of one's position

When you Fix your eyes on a spot in the room, all of a sudden the pose becomes effortless, and you begin to stabilize.

Just like yoga, in life, we also have a way to stay standing, sturdy and confident in our position of life.

We are to FIX OUR EYES upon Jesus in the midst of troubled times.
When life is throwing us curve balls, when life is causing us to wobble, sway, and feel like we are going to break or fall, JESUS will strengthen us, give us a strong posture, and allow us to MAKE IT through those moments when we feel like we just can't.

Hebrews 12:2

Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. 

For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame,

 and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2016 may have caused pain, heartache and moments of feeling hopeless, but I am here to tell you YOU MADE IT!!
You have made it!

and the amazing thing is, that God does not just call us to MAKE IT.  He wants us to THRIVE during the times we feel like we can't make it.


Through fixing our eyes upon Him, He will give you confidence, strength, creativity, motivation,  and reassurance that HE HAS A PLAN, and HE will Carry you through!

So, you may have JUST made it through 2016. THATS GREAT NEWS!



The BETTER news is....

now you know WHO will stabilize you and 

give you a posture of confidence, calmness, and prosperity 

AMONGST the unstable times. 

So when you feel like your wobbling, and your about to fall, FIX your eyes upon Jesus.
Remain calm, remain confident, and LOOK TO HIM!

He will not only stabilize you and get you through 2017 when uncertain times come,
 but HE will help you to thrive amongst it!

Breathe, Balance and Be CONFIDENT that Jesus will stabilize you no matter what 
2017 may throw at you! 


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