Thursday, December 22, 2016


RISE is defined as : moving from a lower position to a higher position

Last year this time I prayed that God would give me a word for 2016.

He very clearly spoke RISE into me.

I wasn't sure what all that would mean for me throughout the year, however as I sit here and look back at my 2016 I see how God has continually called me to RISE UP and RISE ABOVE.

This word was by no mistake for this year.

And although from the outside, from a worldly perspective, you could say that as a whole, 2016 has not only turned my life upside down but also tore my life apart,



God has made me a "Riser".

One who has gained strength in the Lord.

One who doesn't settle for worldly reports, But God reports.

One who has unfailing Faith.

He has brought me from a lower position---- Broken, Fearful and Lost, to a HIGHER position--- Whole, BOLD and confident!

My faith has grown radically, I am stepping up and stepping out pursing not my desires anymore but Gods desires.

He has shown me how to RISE ABOVE circumstances, rumors, lies, deception, anger, failures, manipulation, defeat...

I look back today and do not see my 2016 as turned upside down or fallen apart, but instead flipped RIGHT SIDE UP with everything falling into place.


Thank you Jesus for making me a Riser !

Over the next year I will share with you more on how God has helped me become a RISER!

I am no different than you, if you feel broken, and like your life is falling apart, GOD TOO CAN HELP YOU RISE ABOVE!

Lead into the Lord, Seek HIM, Focus on His word and not the storm.
He will build your strength as you build your faith in God.


As I sit here in the last week of 2016,
now, I pray and I wait....
with anticipation for my next word--->

in 2017 💖

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