Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Fit and Healthy Pregnancy

How to have a fit and healthy 1st Trimester

Here are my current 11 week pregnancy "bump photos."

Fit and Healthy Pregnancy, Fit Pregnancy, Fearless and Fit, Amie DeSanzo, Pregnant, Eat Clean, Workingout during pregnancy, Healthy eating during pregnancy, Calcium, Iron, Vitamin A, Baby bump, 11 weeks pregnant, abs, working out with pregnant

Ok so you may not see a "bump" per say. But the reason why I am sharing this, is to show you the importance of eating clean and working out pre pregnancy!  

When you are able to be in shape before you get pregnant, your muscles contain keep shape for much longer. Some people may not care about this... but this is a great way to avoid stretch marks! When your belly grows so fast, your skin does not have time to slowly stretch out.. instead it causes marks- aka stretch marks.  
Also when you have strong abdominal muscles, you will be able to avoid many pregnancy pains, as your muscles and ligaments will hold the baby up stronger, and protect your back.  It will also aid in the delivery of your baby, and you will be able to bounce back to your  pre pregnancy body much faster! 

so how do we maintain these muscles and "figure" during pregnancy? 
It is through continued exercise and clean eating. 
Today I want to talk about nutrition. I will post later on the fitness side! 

Eating properly during pregnancy can be a tricky thing!

Many woman tend to take the EATING FOR 2 literally and eat double the amount of what they used to eat... hence all the added weight gain!
Did you know the healthy weight to gain during pregnancy is only 18-30 lbs! If you start out under weight they want you to gain more.
Based on my BMI, they recomend I gain 25-35 lbs.. honestly in my opinion I think that's even too much, because I was at a healthy weight prior to getting pregnant...  Yet many woman even far exceed this!!!!

my BMI is 19.4
aka starting weigh 120 and height at 5'6

Here is the break down.....

So Eating for 2 is not supposed to mean double the amount of food you are shoveling into your mouth and let loose!!!
Eating for 2 refers to the fact that we need to INCREASE certain vitamins and minerals in our bodies, along with being extra cautious and aware of what we are putting into our bodies.
See -we don't only have ourselves to account for... we are feeding a fragile little baby as well!
When your baby is born are you going to pump her with sugary foods like cakes, ice creams and donuts? or are you going to take caution and feed her only the best of the best! Breast feed if you can, and then use the best baby foods if you don't make your own to ensure the health and safety of your baby??

If you WOULD NOT feed your baby donuts right out of the womb... then I do not suggesting consuming them on a regular basis being pregnant either!

So yes, eating healthy needs to start now! If you have not been eating right prior to your pregnancy... it is time to re-evaluate the situation and do what is best for not only your child, but your own health!!! Your baby is going to need a healthy mama to take care of her... so Learn the basics and learn to eat the RIGHT foods for your new pregnant body!

Most pregnant women need to consume more protein along with more of certain vitamins such as folic acid, calcium and iron.  We also need a bit more calories- in the second and third trimester, to increase our energy.
In the second trimester we need an extra 300 calories a day and in the third about 450.  (this is in proportion to a person who is already starting out at a healthy weight and on a healthy diet!)

If you don't know how many calories you should be eating, click HERE.
To maintain my weight I need to be eating 2026 (since I am not currently working out intensely) .
So when I enter my second and third trimester I will just add those extra  HEALTHY calories needed.

Remember not all calories are created equal!!

Here is a perfect example...
Be wise about how you consume those 400 calories! 

(remember pregnancy is not a time to cut calories or try to lose weight!!! You have all the time after the baby is born to do so! )

In pregnancy the First trimester can really be difficult sometimes. I know first hand all too well the woahs of morning sickness or shall I say all day sickness! ----- NOT FUN!

I am currently 11 weeks, with my 3rd child.. and still battling morning sickness! This can really make it difficult to eat the right things or even eat at all!!!

Which is why it is super important to take a good prenatal, especially if your not getting the proper nutrients through your diet!!!
Here is what I take...

Before I was pregnant I really did not eat a lot of starchy carbs. My diet many consisted of fruits, veggies, nuts and meat/protein.  I had maybe a serving or two of starchy carbs a day, but that was it.
Being sick, it seems like all your stomach can handle is starchy carbs!

So here is what I do....
First thing in the morning I make sure to eat a healthy breakfast (because I tend to get sick after ).  I have found that if I eat right away, my stomach does not get as upset.
Also eat small frequent meals throughout the day.
My breakfast will either be something like over night oats or Eggs wih a piece of whole wheat (no high fructose) toast.

As soon as I start to feel nauseated I will make my Rooiboost tea.
This helps to ease the nausea.  When I don't feel like I can eat anything but toast, then that's what I do. I eat whole wheat or Eziekiel bread.
 Or some whole wheat crackers.

I keep my options HEALTHIER, even though I may be consuming more of them than normal.

When I feel good enough, I use this time to pack in the nutrients!!! Steamed veggies, salads, fruits, nuts... I try to make everything I put in my mouth nutritious.   This way I know our baby is getting what he/she needs!

Here are a few charts to go by to make sure your getting the right nutrients...

Here are some foods loaded with protein.. you may be surprised as to which ones have the most!

 Here are foods high in Iron

And foods high in Calcium...

**NOTE** To increase absorption, do not eat calcium along with foods high in iron, pair foods high in vitamin C along with foods high in Iron, so that it is fully absorbed! 

I hope this will help you have a healthy pregnancy! 

I will be updating my blog for other health advice and pregnancy info :) 
Also please follow me on Instagram @Fearless_and_Fit
and facebook.  

Much love and blessings to you NEW and BEAUTIFUL mamas! 

1 comment:

  1. Really your Blog is Awesome! Thanks to Admin for Sharing these information's related to Pregnancy. I bookmarked your Link and Shared in Facebook. Keep Sharing such good Articles. Addition to your Story here I am Contributing few more Similar Stories.

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