Thursday, October 17, 2013

How to become FEARLESS

Its time to get to know ME!
I feel compelled to share a little more about myself, since I mostly just post health and fitness tips. So here it goes.. My first HONEST AIM- post!


Growing up I was a church kid, who grew up with strong Christian beliefs and moral. I had my own rebellious stage starting in High school and kind of bounced back and forth as I got closer to college.  In 2005 I went to Temple University to play field hockey and study photo journalism (both passions of mine) on a scholarship and I was on top of the world!

I had made a ton of great friends, on and off the team, and was so excited to reach new goals and heights while being at Temple University.

Temple University, TUFH, Temple Field Hockey, college, how to be successful, Pregnancy, Pregnant and scared, God has a plan for you, success story, Teen pregnancy success story, Inspiration, Amie DeSanzo, Fearless and Fit, Live Fearlessly, Be Fearless, 16 and Pregnant, Healthy lifestyle, Become Fearless, Reach your goals and dream, Tips on how to reach your goals

The first week we moved into our dorms, I met the star QB of the football team, who lived right down the hall! We became close friends and he slowly wooed me over... haha.
We began dating that first year of college.  That summer, going into our sophomore year my he had decided to transfer schools.  He was going to be 6 hours away! Which was a total bummer, but we were going to try and make it work. We spent a lot of time together that summer... apparently too much time (haha)... because the week before I was supposed to leave to go back to school, for preseason, we found out I was pregnant!

I can't describe to you how in that moment of finding out, how a flash of my life went before my eyes. No I wasn't dying... but it felt like I might as well! In that moments, days, weeks and months afterwards I felt like an absolute screw up, failure, like my dreams were shattered, my career was over! 

Everything I was working towards was all crushed.  Not to mention I was just TERRIFIED!!! What was I going to do!? My boyfriend and I were in no place to get married, let alone even think of it! How was I going to finish up school? I didn't have a job, how would I be able to pay for a child? How can I have a child, when I was still one, myself!!!! All of these thoughts haunted me for months, being down and upset and full of regrets.  

My relationship with my parents went from great to horrible! I could no longer play field hockey and After finishing up my third semester at Temple pregnant I had to leave to go home.  I knew i was the talk of the town, and I knew certain people were routing against me-waiting for   me fail! 

I felt all alone, lost and confused.  How could this have happened to me!!? I felt as though I not only disappointed myself and my family but I was the town screw up! I had trouble sleeping and would often wake up with panic attacks.  My days at work were busy, but usually ended up in crying  in between jobs and when I was in the office alone.

My relationship with my boyfriend only got worse and we eventually broke up, a little over a month before our son Braden was to be born. 

  During this time, although it was probably the lowest point in my life.... I realized that God was not abandoning me.  God promises his people a future, blessings and hope.  No matter what was going to happen, I knew I would be ok!  As I studied my bible and prayed more and more I came into a new light, I really became a new person.  I had new hopes, new dreams, and new strength that I had never felt before. 

I finally realized, EVERYONE has bumps in the road.  A bump/ detour in the road, does not mean you cannot get to your desired destination.  The detour may not be your desired path because it most likely is more difficult... The road may be unpaved, and it might be filled with pot holes and lots of sharp curves, but you can still get there!

My dad has always told me.... do NOT let a situation dictate who you are, what you will do, or where you will go!

My dad sails, and he made sure to always relate sailing to life.  And how true it is.... because throughout a regatta/ race, the wind can shift multiple times.  In a split second you need to analyze the new direction of the wind and come up with a new way to get to the end point.  You may zig zag way out of the way, because of the direction of the wind, but that is how you have to get there! You have to adjust your sails to the direction of the wind in order to reach your destination.

So although this was not my desired path, being pregnant at 19 without a job, or degree...I knew I could still ultimately reach my goals of finishing college, providing for my son and being successful.
You can either let a bad situation break you, or you can make yourself stronger through it!
 It is your choice !

So that is what I decided to do!!!! I was going to prepare for a bumpy road, and an often times not fun one...but I was going to rise above. 

I worked two jobs and saved every penny up until my son was born.  My ex bf finally came around and started talking to me the week before Braden was born and decided to come out for his birth. I was not about to let him come strolling back into my life, so I kept a guard up for a while just seeing how things went and seeing if he would actually be in Braden's life.  At that point I was not really sure, especially with him living 6 hours away!

So I continued trusting God, working hard and living above our circumstance.  God told me over and over, DO NOT BE AFRAID!

The following year I went back to school to begin to finish up my degree!! That was the same year Joey moved out to NJ with my family (where he also finished up school) and stayed there for 2 years before we decided to get married.

We both graduated college with honors! A 4.0 and a (almost) 4 year old!!! Never in  a million years would I have thought I would graduate with a 4.0.... let alone a 4 year old. haha. But having Braden changed me.  I wanted to be the best I possibly could be FOR HIM! I wanted him to know and see that his Mama worked hard to not only provide for him, but to be all that I could be in all aspects of my life. To show him that anything is possible, and you can NOT let situations dictate your life!

I wanted him to go through life FEARLESSLY! and how could he do that if he didn't have an example of it!?

That doesn't mean situations may not be scary, but it means that you rise above... you push on and you give it your all!  You take steps forward without having all the answers... you figure it out as you go along, because if you stand still waiting for the perfect time to do things. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN!
Everyone experiences detours in their lives, embrace them, learn from them, let them make you stronger and keep pushing forwards towards your goals and dreams!
And Remember you are never alone.  God promises that through Him, you can do all things. So no task is to great, no mountain is too tall---- GOD MAKES THIS ALL POSSIBLE!
Although the road has not been easy, and still has rough patches- God has blessed us beyond our wildest dreams.  At age 25 and 26 we have two beautiful children and another one on the way.  We are debt free! We both own our own businesses (along side of my husband having a full time job- which one day in the near future.... I am working towards him being able to retire!). 
I am a stay at home mom, who is growing my business from the comforts of my own home, as well as not only being able to financially make ends meet, but have the rewards of helping other people! I absolutely love what I do, and I can not express to you how grateful I am for these opportunities the Lord has brought me! 
I do not tell you this to TOOT my own horn.... because believe me, I am no where near where I want to be. I still have dreams that I want to fulfill and places I want to go in my spiritual life, home life and business life.

I share this because everyone has obstacles they have to overcome.  Sometimes in certain situations, in the moment, it may feel like the end of the world. You may want to give up, you  may throw in the towel and take the easy road. But I am telling you DONT! We were not made to live mediocre lives where we just exist. WE ARE MEANT TO LIVE!!!!!!
So although situations might get tough and you don't know the next steps or you don't know how things will turn out.... Trust God, evaluate your life, goals and dreams- look at the steps you need to take AND TAKE ACTION!
Remember, things don't JUST HAPPEN! yes God presents opportunities... they may be frightening and you may be unsure how they will turn out... but without your ACTION of moving forward, pursuing your dreams and working hard.... nothing will happen. 
God does not call us to just sit and wait. He calls us to be hands on, to more forward without answers and to trust Him that he will take care of us along the way!
I never wanted to be a teen pregnancy statistic....
 "Research shows that 61 percent of women who have children in community college don’t finish their degree, and less than two percent of teen mothers who have a baby before age 18 get a college degree by age 30."

I wanted more out of life... and its as simple as making a choice to rise above a situation and pushing forward. MAKE YOUR DREAMS BIGGER THAN YOUR PROGLEMS!
Adopt the attitude of .....

and eventually YOU WILL GET THERE!
My call to action for you is....
First evaluate your dreams and goals.
Figure out the next step you need to take and DO IT! (don't hesitate, don't wait.... do it now!)
GO NOW... take action and begin to live your life FEARLESSLY!!! Only YOU can create the life you want to live!
Amie DeSanzo
Diamond Independent Beachbody Coach

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